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How to Install MTZ Themes?

  1. Download the .mtz file from the download section.
  2. open the Theme Store app on your device.
  3. Tap Import, locate the downloaded .mtz file, and import it.
  4. Wait for the process to complete, then select and apply the theme.

How to Apply or Download This Themes ?

  1. First Click on Theme Store link button in theme post
  2. Now You redirected to theme store ,Now Click on Download
  3. After it When download is completed than click on apply, Now Your Theme Applied.
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Installing theme using MTZ Tester APK

  1. Install MTZ Tester
  2. Grant storage permissions
  3. Now open mtz tester click on choose theme button
  4. After Select your theme from storage
  5. Now Click on apply Theme, Theme is Applied

How to Apply Theme Using Theme Swap APK Method

  1. Download latest APK
  2. Import theme files , Now Click on appy
  3. Your theme is applied
  4. Reboot Your Phone for Smooth Running